Wednesday, June 11, 2008

And I get paid for this!!!

On May 30th, Ken and I skied into one of our GPS sites on the south side of Mt. St. Helens. It was not communicating anymore so we wanted to see what was wrong. In a normal year we would have been able to drive to the site but not this year. It was a 3 mile ski one-way to the site. It was a beautiful day, not to hot but not to cold. Ken was on his cross country skis and I was on my BC skis. This was Ken's first time skiing downhill ever and he rocked it. I think he will master it with a little more practice. Below are some pictures from that day.

My favorite skis (Jerry Garcia Memorial skis) with the GPS antenna and the mountain.

Ken working on the site which looks like the snowmobiles ran over a few times.

Ken skiing out just before we got back to the truck.

1 comment:

The Heckly Crew said...

Okay I now see that you are posting again, ignore the email. Great pictures and a great job.