Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How Time Flies!!!

Since I last posted we have done some great trip and seen some wonderful people. Elon is growing like a weed and is now 6.5 months old. I can not believe it! This summer we spent time in the San Juans, Tacoma, Ashland, and finished the summer off with a long road trip to South and North Dakota. We also attended our friends fabulous wedding in Seattle in which Elon closed down the party. "Go little man!" This fall we have hiked, biked and attempted our first ski with little E. He has been a joy to watch as he discovers the world around him. Below are links to some pictures of our adventures. Hopefully I will not wait this long again but it is hard to say.

Trip to Ashland, OR for my cousin Thomas's wedding

Trip to South Dakota to see Grandma Dorothy and many of the Jones.

Elon got to meet his new cousin Nolan in Flgstaff in October. Paul's pictures are better but you stuck with mine!

This was the first hike we took Elon on in the back pack. He loved it.

Hiking in the Teanaway and crossing the Wilderness boundary

I better get this finished so recently we have also gone skiing and done a lot of bouncing and biking. For lots photos check out,
Thanks for being interested in our adventures. Hope you are all well!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Little E's 1st 4th of July

This year we spent the 4th at our friends place on Ames Lake near Redmond, WA. It was a great time. Elon got to meet all his new Powderpig friends and see some great fireworks. It was a hot one so being on the lake was great. Elon took a little dip in the lake not full body yet but very soon. That night we camped out in the back of the Toyota. It was very cozy! The party continued the next day too. Can not wait to do it all over again next year. Yikes! Elon will be walking next year I will have trouble on my hands.
Hanging in his stroller

Alex and Quinn

Taking a dip with Auntie Kirstan

Hanging with Mom
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Monday, July 6, 2009

Want to donate to a good cause?

Hi everyone,
Once again I am participating in the MS150 bike ride in September. My goal for this year is 100 miles as I am just getting back into shape after having Elon. Aaron rode with me and my parents last year. This year he will come to the ride but not ride. He will be Elon's chauffeur so I can continue to breast feed and still ride. My brother, Nick will also be joining the fun so it should be great. If you would like to donate please go to the links below.


Keegan's Site (click here)

Karen Fengler Nichols's Site (click here)

Joseph Nichols's Site (click here)

Nick's (aka Joe Nichols) Site (click here)

Weeks 8 thru 10

Look how cute I was on Father's Day!

Me and Mom playing around!

Me and cousin Alex!

Me and cousin Peter!

The whole goofy gang!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

6 Years Today, 6 Weeks Tomorrow

Today is our 6 year wedding anniversary. I can not believe that it has been that long since our very fun wedding day. We have now been together for a decade also. How time flies!

Tomorrow will be 6 weeks with Elon. Also time is already flying by with the little man.

I can not wait to see where the next 10 years takes us. It will be a fun adventure!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

5 Weeks with Elon

Even though it was a couple weeks early, we were very excited to meet Elon Harris Opp on April 27th, 2009. After planning on having a May baby I was quite surprized to find out I maybe having an April baby. The week before his birth we still needed to move back into our house, our parents were in Nicaragua, and I had pregnancy pictures scheduled for Sunday. We got everything finished just in time with the wonderful help of many people, esecially my friend Sherry. I have to give her a special thanks becasue she stayed with me most of the week, help me move things, dealt with my crazy brain, cleaned, organized and generally did what ever I asked. Thanks Sherry!

On Sunday the 26th, we had a house full of people which was fun. That is when it was pointed out that I was leaking amniotic fluid. So we called my midwife in late afternoon and where on our way to the hospital. We got to the hospital they broke my water and labor commenced. Labor was quick and I was ready to push by 10:30PM. That is where the fun started. After 3 hours of pushing (at the end of a really long and tiring week) I was exhausted and Elon was not coming out. Elon had decided that he like his watery world and was not coming down the birth canal. That is when I was given an epidural which was not really helping. Sometime in the wee hours of the morning it was decided to bring in our my midwife's OB and had to consider a C-section. We tried some other techniques to get him to come down but no luck. So around 5AM I was off to the OR for a C-section. It was scary because I had planned on having a natural birth and here I was about to have a c-section. The goods news was that at 6:02AM I delivered a beautiful baby boy who was 8lbs. 6oz. and 20 inches long. During the whole labor ordeal he was like a rock and never showed any signs of stress. Thanks goodness!

It took us 3 days to decided on his name but when we did it fit. Elon is hebrew for "oak" or "tree". We loved it because we love the outdoors and during the hard labor he was like a solid, strong tree. His full name is Elon (E-lawn) Harris Opp. Harris was my father's middle name. Another cool thing is that he was born on my Grandpa Kenny's birthday.

The first 5 weeks have flown by. Elon is a pretty happy baby who is gaining weight rapidly. It has been fun to watch him change. In the last week he has started to hold onto things (especially me). His smiles are becoming more associated with us and less associated with farting. It is amazing to think I can spend hours just staring at him. Aaron and I are still in disbelief that we are parents to such a wonderful little boy.

Last weekend we took Elon on his first camping trip to Chinook Pass with our friends, Sherry and Bram. Elon liked being outside and near the river. He slept just as well camping as he does at home. Good thing since camping is going to be a constant in his life.

There are lots of pictures fro these last few weeks. I have uploaded all of them since I do not have time to sort through them. If you would like to see them go to this link.

For those who have called, emailed, or facebooked, I need to apologize for not getting back to you. I have been bad about communicating. Hopefully I will get better after next week once classes are over.

I hop to post more picture and happening in our lives soon so you can see how Elon is growing.
Thanks to everyone for their good wishes and gifts.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Flood and Baby Update

Aaron flooring in the babies room

It has been a long time since I last wrote but I thought I would finally throw down a quick note. As many of your know we flooded in January and it has been a long road back. Because of the hard work and generosity of many family and friends things are almost ready for us to move back in the house. It has been an adventure.

Working on the house! (Do not worry I wear a respiratory when needed and sit down alot I am pretty much a slacker)

Baby is growing strong. I get kicked and beat up daily which I love except when I am tired. I have passed the 36 week mark now. At our ultrasound appointment on Friday they estimated the baby is about 6lbs. 14 oz. good sized little bugger. I have started to dilate (2cm) but could stay at that for weeks so no reason to get too excited. Really helps get things done knowing that my body is getting ready. The babies room is really green (picking color on the fly). It kind of looks like Kermit the frog lives there but should be fun to decorate.

There are more picture of our progress at the link below so check it out.