Monday, April 13, 2009

Flood and Baby Update

Aaron flooring in the babies room

It has been a long time since I last wrote but I thought I would finally throw down a quick note. As many of your know we flooded in January and it has been a long road back. Because of the hard work and generosity of many family and friends things are almost ready for us to move back in the house. It has been an adventure.

Working on the house! (Do not worry I wear a respiratory when needed and sit down alot I am pretty much a slacker)

Baby is growing strong. I get kicked and beat up daily which I love except when I am tired. I have passed the 36 week mark now. At our ultrasound appointment on Friday they estimated the baby is about 6lbs. 14 oz. good sized little bugger. I have started to dilate (2cm) but could stay at that for weeks so no reason to get too excited. Really helps get things done knowing that my body is getting ready. The babies room is really green (picking color on the fly). It kind of looks like Kermit the frog lives there but should be fun to decorate.

There are more picture of our progress at the link below so check it out.


The Heckly Crew said...

I'm sorry about the flooding. I didn't realize that you guys had flooded. I'm glad that you are getting your house all back together, I like all the colors you picked. Had no clue you were pregnant. Good luck. Give me a call sometime.

turbo said...

keegan, this is crazy, but i live next to sallie's mom in olympia. i was looking through your pics and noticed them. what a small world. you look amazing and i'm so excited for your baby. mine just turned one on april 6th. it has been the time of our lives. enjoy and i'd love to hook up if you are ever in town.
nikki farwell/now norquist!!!